Lene Jeffrey

Music Therapist

Active participation in music, whether it be listening to or creating sound and music, has the unique potential to take us into the present moment, which is our only true reality. In this potential space we can truly ‘be’. Whilst we do not need music for our immediate physical survival, music is something which is absolutely inherent and defining to our existence as human beings in every culture. In the words of my beloved music therapy teacher and master vocalist the late Dr. Arun Apte, ‘Music is like fragrance, colour, air, water, fire - it does not discriminate nor does it have any religion’.

Music nourishes us all!

On this basis, in my work I seek to develop musical therapies which are nourishing, enriching and strengthening in ways that are sensitively tailored to specific client groups or individuals. I have a particular interest in interactive and creative forms of musical activity with the goal of inducing self-reflection and introspection, which in turn builds confidence, self-efficacy, self-esteem and resilience.

During 2011 I took part in a Mental Stillness intervention for primary school aged children in Sydney, developing musically induced methods for achieving an internal state of silence in the eastern sense of meditation, as well as including other musical activities designed to increase self-awareness and social interaction. I am currently preparing a paper on my findings. In addition to my work with this client group I provide music therapy in varied settings, including for children with special needs, disabilities and developmental delay.

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